USAT LIBERTY SHIPWRECK DIVING , our bali tour driver will pick you up at 9 am for this bali tour package at the lobby of your hotel then lets go direct to the beach we called Tulamben beach located in the east coast of bali in karangasem regency is about 3 hours drive from Kuta beach area. This Tulamben beach is famous for the peoples who want to see the USAT LIBERTY SHIPWRECK and every day a lot of peoples come here ,,,
PRICE FOR DIVING IS USD 100 per person

Usat liberty shipwreck diving #usatlibertyshipwreckdiving #tulambenbeach
AFTER USAT LIBERTY SHIPWRECK DIVING AT TULAMBEN BEACH lets go for having lunch before to the next stop at Tirtagangga the water palace ,,,
After lunch continue to visit Tirta Gangga the water palace, this area is very beautiful place to visit because they have so many pool with the koi fish in there. Long time ago the king of karangasem builted this Water palace and they use for take a bathe for the family of king but right now all people can do that . FOR THE PEOPLES HAVE TO PAY ENTRANCE FEE IS IDR 30.000 PER PERSON

Usat liberty shipwreck diving #tirtagangga #waterpalace

Usat liberty shipwreck diving #tirtagangga #waterpalace #karangasem
Tirta gangga or the water palace is the last stop before back to the hotel ,,,,
PRICE OF THIS BALI DAY TOUR IS IDR 900.000 PER CAR or about USD60 ( price included : comfortable air conditioner car, petrol for the car, english speaking tour driver and parking fee )